Security for Everyone

Secure Logins, Online Accounts, Bitcoins and more

MIRkey Photo

Secure all your personal logins

and crypto currency with a single device

Compatible with the widest range of online accounts

Works with Microsoft, Google, Facebook, DropBox, Github, GitLab, Coinbase and many more account services.

Provides Peace of Mind

Don't lie awake at night worried that your accounts might be compromised by phishing attacks or having your Bitcoins stolen.

Easy to use

Designed and built for everyone that wants to make sure online accounts and Bitcoins are kept safe at all times.


Works seamlessly with existing services

The MIRkey implements state of the art authentication and works with any webservice that supports security keys. It also integrates with popular applications like Thunderbird to sign emails and provides hardware protection for your Bitcoins.


Provides Peace of Mind

Loosing control over sensitive data or having your accounts compromised could be disastrous. Protect your accounts and Bitcoins with MIRkey hardware security keys.


Easy to use

For most online services no extra software needs to be installed - just plug it in and press the button when prompted by the web service during sign in.

The multi-purpose MIRkey - carry one device that does it all.

  • Support for FIDO2 (CTAP2), U2F (CTAP), 2FA TOTP and many other protocols
  • Bitcoin hardware HD wallet support (BIP32) with a plugin for Electrum
  • Works with OpenVPN and other VPN providers to provide increased VPN security
  • Works with OpenSSH to secure SSH keys
  • Works on Windows, Mac OS and Linux